Red Shed Hay
Dear Customers,
The next limited release of RESERVE HAY for winter is NOW available from Jul, 2023.
For full details please see July 2023 Products Offerings page detailed on the main menu above
If you want to participate in this release, please put
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As you will note from our landing page and the Red Shed Hay YouTube channel, Red
Shed Hay is busily improving and expanding its premium offerings.
Red Shed Hay is situated on the banks of the Yass River. The land comprised of deep black soil perfectly suited to the growing of lucerne. The current owners started growing lucerne here in 1996. After soil testing and consultation with our local agronomist to ensure the best production and quality outcomes, two new lucerne paddocks were added to production this year.
Due to the above average rainfall in 2020 and still damp conditions it was decided to put the first cut to silage, allowing for top quality second and third cuts of lucerne in the ensuing months.

Premium 2020 Yass River Silage
The 2020 silage is first cut lucerne from 5 different paddocks. Bales weight approximately 450kgs on average. Nutritionally an excellent source of food all year round, but specifically in the winter months. It stores well and can be left outside without deteriorating.
Premium Yass River Lucerne

2022 Premium Yass Valley Lucerne now harvested

Red Shed Hay Map

Red Shed Hay and Silage, Gundaroo

Red Shed Hay Map
Red Shed Hay is located on the left side of Gundaroo Road, 2.7 kilometres past the 100k sign leaving Gundaroo towards Gunning.